day to day · for writings sake

10 Things Every Child Needs to Hear

It’s the hip hop happenin’ thing, so I figured I would throw my hat into the ring with my own list of 10 things every child (in my house) needs to hear (CONSTANTLY.) If you’re looking for a deep and meaningful list, there are plenty out there and I don’t really want to beat a… Continue reading 10 Things Every Child Needs to Hear

day to day · video

Because the world needed another home video of a laughing baby

Babies are adorable so that we adore them even when they won’t nap for more than 15 minutes at a time so they’re so overtired they are alternately laughing and screaming. It’s science.   Jackson, 4 months. Naps = broken. At least he still sleeps through the night. I don’t actually sound like that, that… Continue reading Because the world needed another home video of a laughing baby